Rabid Pictures

Sam Moses

Only now learning of the passing of Sam Moses. Our moments spent together working on The Beard were brief in the grand scheme of life, but the experience I will cherish forever. So much presence, soul and love in everything he did. His light always shone through.

Thanks for everything, Sam.

An Ode to 'Karim'

Note: The above film contains mature subject matter. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

May 11, 2007. 10 years ago. That’s how long it’s been.

10 years ago, my fourth year thesis film, Karim, premiered at the Royal Cinema as part of the 2007 Ryerson University Film Festival.

In preparation for this posting, I've tried to watch Karim a few times now but can never seem to make my way through the damn thing. I'm not sure why that is. I don't think this reaction comes from a place of shame or insecurity or anything like that... I think maybe it has more to do with Karim being one of the most personal films I have ever made and it possessing this huge weight - weight I don't really care to revisit these days.

Still, Karim was a big deal for me, so here we are.

If I could use one word to describe the production, it would be exhausting. The dark subject material, the logistics of the shoot, the scope of the production, a maniacal director (it's true)... looking back on most of it, the whole thing feels like a bit of a nightmare. As I reflect on the production thinking back on production, the concept of relaxation is non-existent... as I look through set stills, smiles are seldom seen. Set was madness, more often than not. But then maybe that was what was needed to get Karim to where it needed to be, because I can’t really imagine this film turning out the way it did if the cast and crew joined hands and sung Kumbaya between takes.

I will say that the cast and crew I had along for this ride were the best fuckin' cast and crew I could have ever asked for, full stop. I also can’t begin to thank my parents enough for letting this group of misfits invade their home, vandalizing bedroom walls and flooding washrooms all in teh name of art. That's love.

The film itself is far from perfect. It has its faults. But I'll be damned if I'm not proud of it. Ryan Persaud kills it in the lead. There are moments that work. The film is grounded and gritty, but remains visually engaging. Most importantly, I know the film makes one feel - which is honestly all I ever gave a damn about.

Anyway, I apologize for going on and on. If all this sounds super self-indulgent or egotistical or some other shit, well, deal with it. Karim was a big deal for me. In man ways, it still is. So I'm treating it like one.

Check out the film above. Trailer, poster and set stills below. Peace and blessings.

Kill Sister, Kill - Teaser Trailer

Throwing it back a few years on this Friday with the teaser trailer for Kill Sister, Kill! 

This teaser trailer was produced and directed by playwright Jamieson Child to promote Kid Switchblade Productions' Kill Sister, Kill, which performed during both the New York International Fringe Festival & Toronto Fringe Festival.

Note: The following content contains mature content. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

Teaser Filmed and Produced by Yaz Rabadi & Mitchell Arend
Written and Directed by Drac & Jamieson Child
Teaser features Stefne Mercedes, Luke Slade, Jaclyn Nobrega and Jamieson Child

An Exercise - 'Pellicle'

Back in 2011, I was making my rounds on the Canadian art council circuit trying to raise funds for an experimental film called 'Skinned'. The film would be a performance piece that would incorporate some gnarly practical effects. As part of my application, I managed to gather a small group of talented creatives to put together a small visual sampling of the idea as proof of concept to accompany my applications.

Unfortunately, 'Skinned' didn't gain any traction (aka the World wasn't ready). Over the next five years (yep), I'd come across that footage and tinker with it. Well, the tinkering is done.

It's not 'Skinned', but hey, what could have been... right?

Visuals & Sound: Yaz Rabadi / Performance: Tyler Williams / Dance Choreography: Meghan McCabe / Key Special Effects Makeup Artist: Christina Spina / Assistant Special Effects Makeup Artist: Melissa Ciardullo